Live Plants
Fresh live plants arriving every week at Phelsuma Farm. Perfect for your tropical and arid bio-active habitats.
Showing 1–18 of 44 results
Asplenium antiquum (5cm pot)
£4.00 -
Aloe Tiki Tahi
£4.00 -
Aloe Aristata
£4.00 -
Spikemoss – Selaginella
£4.00 -
Blue Star Fern – (Phlebodium aureum polypodium)
£4.00 -
£4.00 -
£4.00 -
Devil’s Ivy – Epipremnum aureum (medium)
£5.00 -
Sansevieria mikado (small)
£6.00 -
Philodendron scandens (large)
£6.00 -
Korean Rock Fern (medium) – Polystichum tsus-simense
£6.00 -
Soleirolia soleirolii
£6.00 -
Nidularium ‘fireball’
£6.00 -
Gasteria “little warty”
£6.00 -
Antenna Fern – (large) – (Doryopteris cordata)
£6.00 -
Creeping Fig – (Ficus pumila)
£6.00 -
Echeveria setosa
£6.00 -